Dec 18, 2017 | Autumn Pest Problems, General, Mice, Rats, Rodents, Seasonal Pest Problems, Winter Pest Problems
December is a busy time for us all and we can be forgiven if we think we may have a problem with rats & mice but are too busy to sort it. It's only when relatives alert us to a noise they have heard whilst they are staying or we see the signs of chewed chocolate...
Dec 1, 2017 | Autumn Pest Problems, General, Rodents, Winter Pest Problems
It's that time of year again. Many people will be or have already been into the loft to bring down the Christmas decorations. For many of us this is the only time that we get into the loft. This annual 'visit' can unearth a discovery of 'visitors' - Rodent...
Oct 3, 2017 | Autumn Pest Problems, Squirrels, Wildlife, Winter Pest Problems
Grey Squirrels may seem cute as they hop across a road or run up and down your fence. However.... Read...
Sep 21, 2017 | Autumn Pest Problems, Mice, Rodents, Winter Pest Problems
As the old song went ' A little mouse with clogs on!' If you get a mouse one of these little creatures in your loft or cavity wall, it really can sound like he, she, and their little ones if you're unlucky enough to have a family of them, it really can sound like they...
Apr 12, 2016 | Autumn Pest Problems, Bedbugs, Crawling Insects, Seasonal Pest Problems, Spring Pest Problems, Summer Pest Problems, Winter Pest Problems
Been away and come back bitten by bed bugs? What if the bed bugs are still lurking and taking over your bed? Well, it's supposed to be spring. The season that brings out ants, bees and other insects, although it's still a little early for wasps. However, the weather...
Jun 18, 2015 | Autumn Pest Problems, Crawling Insects, Fleas, Seasonal Pest Problems, Spring Pest Problems, Summer Pest Problems, Winter Pest Problems
Fleas can be a year round problem and our centrally heated homes provide the perfect environment for them to continue their lifecycle right through winter Catch any flea problem early by using these simple techniques The first step to getting rid of fleas in your home...