Buying second-hand furniture, can at first seem like a good way to save money when it can actually end up costing you a whole lot more in time, money and emotional distress
I have recently carried out a treatment where the home owner purchased a second-hand bed to save some money, only to find that the bed was in fact infested with bed bugs.

You may think that it is only the bed therefore that will need to be treated and in fact by getting rid of the bed would solve the problem. WRONG!!!! Nothing could be further from the truth and anyone unlucky enough to bring one of these unwanted guests into their home will know the amount of work, sweat, and tears that eradicating the problem can bring. In fact, the whole house would need to be treated to ensure that the house becomes totally pest free.
This includes washing clothes at high temperatures, quarantining possessions and belongings. Alongside no hoovering for maybe a month or more, living out of plastic bags and not to mention having to ‘offer yourself up’ as the perfect meal to entice the blighters out of their hiding places (bed bugs need to feed on us to survive, so hide in cracks and crevices through the day & come out to feed when we go to sleep). All this said, we haven’t even touched on the emotional turmoil and distress people experience having found out that their home has been infested. Many people believe wrongly, that bed bugs are only found in dirty homes, but we treat some beautiful properties and bed bugs aren’t choosy who they feed on! The most common cause of a bed bug infestation is due to travel either to a holiday destination or for work. In this case, it was due to buying second-hand furniture.
However they manage to get into your home, the effort required, alongside emotional distress and financial costs to eradicate these crawling nightmares shouldn’t be underestimated and you should seek advice and treatment as soon as possible – Once infested it will only get worse.
Night night, don’t let the bed bugs bite – corny but true!