The heat from the last few weeks has finally brought the insect season to life

Callouts for ant problems and wasp nest treatments have dominated my daily workload - Not everyone's idea of fun but it makes for a bizzy day for me! I must say when you see a wasp nest up close it is truly a work of art although I wouldn't encourage anyone to get too close without the right protection in place

Wasp nest

in the form of a bee veil. I’m not for one-minute downgrading the fear that a wasp generates for many people and if you’ve ever been stung its a case of once bitten never forgotten, but I do marvel at nature when you see what a tiny insect can produce.

Ants don’t tend to be such an irritation though can prove problematic to fully control if your home is built on sandy soil. Let’s be honest, nobody likes to see the tell-tale black line of the ‘wee beasties’ making their way to your worktops and larder. A good pointer for next year – if you know you get a problem with black garden ants, book a treatment for early spring to try & eradicate the Queen before the nest develops and the following year’s Queens emerge. From personal experience, the father-in-law who had an ongoing problem for a number of years with ants, has seen a dramatic decline in activity since the development of new ant gels and the treatment being administered early on in the season – This has been a win-win for us all as no more frantic phone calls from the In-Laws because they have millions of ants in their porch (Actually they had about 6!!!).

Pesky Wasps and nuisance Ants will always be a problem, but its all part of this great British Summer.