December is a busy time for us all and we can be forgiven if we think we may have a problem with rats & mice but are too busy to sort it. It's only when relatives alert us to a noise they have heard whilst they are staying or we see the signs of chewed chocolate paper from the tree, that we may make the call to a pest control company.
Forget the myth that mice love cheese. Chocolate is one of the favourite foods you can tempt rats and mice with.

In fact anything sweet! That said if it’s food – they will be interested regardless!
At Christmas, delightful foods and smells are in abundance and not just for us. Rats and mice can smell too! Where there is food and shelter rats & mice will be there and at Christmas food is not in short supply. We all tend to overbuy food at Christmas and therefore have huge amounts of food waste. That with reduced bin collections can be heavenly for rats and mice to feed on.
So be aware of any telltale signs of rats & mice this Christmas. Chewed paper, boxes etc. Be aware of storing the food goodies. As well as aware of storing or disposing of the food waste properly in bins with lids. Or if you have lots of food waste and nowhere to store it, consider taking it to your local recycling site. Most are only closed on Christmas Day
Nigel Caves Pest Control Fact
Did you know that Britons throw out the equivalent of 2m turkeys, 5m Christmas puddings and 74m mince pies every festive period! Great news for rats & mice.