Grey Squirrels may seem cute as they hop across a road or run up and down your fence. However....
Nigel Caves Pest Control Fact:
Did you know that Grey Squirrels do not need a drain pipe or tree to access your property. They can simply climb up a wall!
Grey squirrels are not so cute when they get in your loft. They can strip lengths of wiring with their huge incisor teeth! Why they like to do this is a mystery, but they are prolific wire strippers resulting in your home becoming an unintentional fire hazard.
Last year I was contacted by a building firm in Oldham who were putting up a new housing estate. They believed they had a rodent problem in the lofts of the new builds. What had happened was that it was in fact squirrels getting into the loft space before the roofs had actually been erected and secured on the buildings and they had already stripped around 2 meters in length of circuit wiring that was being used for the lighting in more than one of these homes.
At this time of the year and springtime, keep a close ear out for any scurrying or scratching in the loft – my wife said when we had a squirrel problem that it sounded like a stiletto heel! And act fast if you hear anything before these little cuties become major arsonists in your home.