At this time of year, the last thing you need or want is to spoil your Christmas celebrations with an unwanted guest (&  we're not talking family or friends!).  The winter and Christmas period bring with it a few ingredients that can prove a recipe for disaster as far as pest infestations and pest control problems are concerned so we thought we would highlight some of the obvious issues that can lead to pest problems for you and yours.

Pests at Christmas

Although this is unseasonably mild for this time of year, it is still cold enough for rats and mice to look for somewhere warm to stay over winter. In many cases, January proves to be quite busy for us when spare rooms that are  unoccupied most of the year, now have Uncle Henry and Aunt Elsie residing in them and you get that fateful statement ” Something scratching in the loft kept us awake all night!” This can sometimes be the first you’ve heard about there being any potential pest problems. A rat or mouse can enter your property through the smallest of holes. Generally speaking, if there is a hole that is 6mm or more or you can fit your little finger in, then this is enough space for a mouse to enter. For a rat to enter your home or business, the hole is generally around 10mm so the size of your thumb! Scary!!

Many people choose to feed the birds at this time of year, which whilst a great idea to support our feathered friends, just be aware that you can’t just choose the birds to feed and the food that you supply may attract other ‘furry friends’.

Also with the Christmas celebrations comes higher levels of food waste and less frequent bin collections meaning some people have black bin bags building up in the garden or yard waiting for the next bin collection. Spare a thought that if we are having extra food waste, we are providing the perfect Christmas for our rat and mice friends who will be only too happy to have a rummage around the food we have thrown away and remember a rat or mouse is not just for Christmas, they can become your most overstaying guest long after the celebrations have finished.

So remember a few helpful tips;

  • If you put bird feed out, try to keep it as far as possible away from your property
  • If extra household waste is generated, make sure you place food waste in a closed bin
  • Check out your ‘out’ buildings e.g. shed, garage regularly to ensure no unwanted guests are staying over
  • After Christmas and you’re putting your decorations away, just have a closer look around your loft for any signs of rodent or any other pest activity

Hope you have a very happy and pest free Christmas!